Art in Leather - Hand Made Playful Jewellery & Accessories

Jo Gill
My Making
Being creative is so important to me, it’s just part of who I am. Often I will wake up in the morning or the middle of the night with ideas just pinging into my head, ‘ping’, ‘ping’, ‘ping’. The problem is filtering them out and getting them down onto paper and then making them into real products.
I’m not sure how other makers ‘create’? But the way I work is: I have an idea, I can really picture it visually in my mind, I can see the colour, the texture all in my head. Then I think ‘that’s fantastic!’ I need to make it! and then that’s what I do, I make it a reality.
Obviously occasionally this doesn’t work, and I struggle with the outcome especially with something I’ve never made before, but I will persevere until I’ve made it, which could take several attempts.
Sometimes people might not find my new design It’s as fun and exciting as I do, but this is all part of being creative and my personal learning curve, I like to keep challenging myself which helps grow my business too.
I have always picked up subconsciously on colours and fashion trends, but I don’t consciously follow them, especially as I like to make small collections of products before I move on to something new. This is why my work is always changing and evolving, with most of my designing and making being driven by things like: Colours I like or is it fun? And does it make me smile and think ‘wow that’s exciting! ‘I wanna make that NOW!’
I see my products as high-quality and beautifully made things, a lot of time and effort goes into everything that I make regardless of the price point. I want you to know that time, care and love is put into every piece I make, I hope that it will bring joy to it's new owner, as that is very important to me too.
All of my designs are very unique I see them as pieces of wearable art in themselves. I suppose this is why my work has been likened to Pop Art, as it is very colourful and very graphic in style. I think this Pop Art style developed from my illustration work and previous careers I’ve had, If you want to find out more about my journey and previous careers, you can find out more on the MY STORY page.
Because this is my creative business EVERYTHING, I make passes through my hands. It is: Cut out, stitched, finished, wrapped, and posted by me.
This is my small business and buying from me means that you’re investing in my story, and I thank you for so much for that.